PowerDraw is a free drawing application which you can easily draw any type of drawing. PowerDraw is designed in between CAD and Desktop Publishing style so you can use the ease of DTP with the power of cad core.
Using mouse actions or control methods to handle drawings.
Drawing line, polyline, rectangle, polygon, bezier, circle, ellipse, arc, pie, chord and text on the Designer Canvas.
Modifying the drawed figures.
Using layers and layer operations like merging.
Using all colors possible.
Using different style of pens with different widths.
Using different style of brushes (including custom hatches) to paint figures.
Using gradient and texture fills to paint figures.
Creating text objects with any font installed in the system.
Saving the drawing as file and opening the file as drawing.
Printing the file to the printer and/or plotter.
Making unlimited Undo?s and Redo?s.
Cutting, copying, pasting and deleting the figures.
Grouping and ungrouping the figures.
Combining, welding, breaking figures.
Ordering the figures (SendToBack, BringToFront, etc.)
Rotating, scaling and mirroring the figures.
Making polar and rectangular figure arrays.
Aligning the figures in any style.
Inserting bitmaps or jpeg pictures to the drawing.
Scaling, rotating, mirroring,skewing and flipping bitmaps.
Inserting WMF/EMF files as editable objects.
Exporting the drawing as WMF file.
Using grids and guidelines.
Snapping the mouse actions to grids, guidelines or the current objects.
Using block librarries, inserting blocks.
Using page formats like (A4,letter, etc.) or custom sizes.
Zooming and panning, viewing the drawing in any scale.
Making macros in pascal-like language and running them in the designer.
Using plugins developed as DLL in a special structure(documented).
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